Bhikkhuni Ordination (Upasampadā)


Santi Forest Monastery is happy to announce the upcoming Bhikkhuni Ordination (Upasampadā) of Samaneri Jenti and Samaneri Sukhi on 21st June 2015 in Indonesia. Bhikkhuni Santini will act as the Pavatini (preceptor) together with the Bhikkhuni and Bhikkhu Sangha. (For your information, a Bhikkhuni Ordination requires the presence of at least 5 Bhikkhus and 5 Bhikkhunis).

Venerable Santini also came to Dhammasara Monastery for the Bhikkhuni ordinations there.

Bhikkhuni Nirodha and Bhikkhuni Adhimutta are invited to attend and be part of the ceremony. Bhikkhuni Hasapanna from Dhammasara Monastery will also be present.

Santi Forest Monastery hopes that the next Bhikkhuni Ordination will take place in the Big Cave.

This great event will be followed by the Sakyadhitta 14th International Conference on Buddhist women in Indonesia, with Ajahn Brahm and others attending.

It is envisioned that we (then 4 Bhikkhunis) will attend the conference as a sign of growth of the Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha and also of Santi Forest Monastery.

We are making this information available for anyone who is interested in contributing. The flight costs are around 900 AUD and the participation to the conference is 140 AUD (some contributions have already been received). For donations, please donate to the Santi General Fund and please specify “Funds for Higher Ordination” with your donation (not tax-deductable).

Sakyadhita Conference 2015