Ayya Tathaloka Visits Santi Forest Monastery

Last week Ayya Tathaaloka Mahatheri, who is also known affectionately as Ayya T, visited us here at Santi.  Ayya T is on her way to NZ to work on the Bhikkhuni Vibanga project – which is translating the explanations and back stories of the Bhikkhuni rules from Pali into English with assistance from Ayya Adhimutta [now calling herself Ayya Adhimutti]. While she was with us at Santi we were happy to hear a wonderful Dhamma talk from her on the Saturday night on the topic of Samma Vayama – right effort, and Samma Sankappo – right intention. On the Monday she followed up with a 3 hour sutta class on the Magga Vibbanga sutta SN 45.8 Analysis of he path. It was a wonderful opportunity to learn from this very senior Bhikkhuni as well as being able to spend time together with all the other Bhikkhunis who were visiting us at the time.

Ayya Samma Samadhi, AyyaNirodha, Ayya Santacari, Ayya Tathaloka, Ayya Upekkha, Ayya Gotami