Come celebrate Vesak with us at Santi

A time for remembering and celebrating the Birth, Enlightenment, and Parinibbana of the Buddha

May 2020 (date yet to be announced):

Usual Program for the day

9:30- 10am  –  Arrival

10:00                –  Welcome,  Taking of Refuges and Precepts,

followed by Anumodana chanting and sharing of blessings

10:30                –  Offering of dana, then monastics collect alms food

11:00                –  Lunch for all

                               After lunch, all help clean up

12:30               –  Circumambulation of Stupa and Bodhi Tree

1:15-2:45      –  Dhamma reflection and guided meditation in Dhamma Hall

(while some adults walk with the children to the big cave)

3:00                 –  Afternoon tea/coffee available