Santi the next step: a new leader appointed

Santi the next step: a new leader appointed

With Bhante Sujato leaving and Santi Forest Monastery commencing a new life as a Bhikkuni Monastery in July 2012 so another important change has occurred

Ayya Phalanyani has been asked by Ajahn Brahm to step into the position of leader of the Santi community and she, after careful consideration, has accepted this important role within the community

This change will allow Santi to continue to develop and to move forward in a positive manner

As Ayya Phalanyani advised “any change will be slow and carefully considered”

As Chairperson of the Committee I welcome Ayya Phalanyani to her new and challenging role and offer my total support

The Committee will be working closely with Ayya Phalanyani and the rest to the community to provide assistance and guidance wherever needed

We invite all those who know Santi to join with us in supporting Ayya Phalanyani as leader and the exciting period of development ahead for Santi.


Bill Stanley
Santi Forest Monastery Committee

16 thoughts on “Santi the next step: a new leader appointed

  1. Something really good is happening at Santi right now! Please come be part of it, and give Ayya Phalanyani your full support as she undertakes this potentially daunting task. Ajahn Brahm’s decision shows that he was listening to residents and paying attention to the needs of this community. Kindly excuse the abrupt wording of the Committee’s announcement.
    Friends, Ajahn Brahm’s decision simply removed any obstacles to a process already naturally evolving among the nuns, and comes as very good news. When Bhante Sujato unexpectedly announced his decision to leave Santi, the community was left stunned and in mourning. A group of nuns came together to run Santi communally, and arranged ways to share authority amongst ourselves. This experiment worked to keep Santi going during these first few months after Bhante Sujato’s departure. In the process, Ayya Phalanyani’s unique skills became apparent to all. We discovered her to be gentle, steady under pressure, patient, wise, and an excellent Teacher and guide. Even on days when I was assigned to be fully in charge, I increasingly found myself turning to Ayya Phalanyani for her sage advice. If we had not run the monastery as a Sangha group, most likely Ayya Phalanyani’s abilities would not have become manifest so quickly, due to being overshadowed by nuns senior to her.
    As predicted by the Santi Change committee (see Changes At Santi – A Powerpoint Presentation), at this point we move into a period of stabilization of leadership. In a few weeks I will be departing to my home country as planned from the start of my visit, but now I am leaving with full confidence that Santi will be solidly on track as a viable community of nuns and your beloved place to practice & see the Dhamma.

  2. Congratulations to the Santi Community, and specially to the nuns involved in this transition, because this is the alive example of a community who not only teach about the Dhamma, but are the Dhamma in action.
    Unfortunately, as the Buddha said, all happiness brings with it its opposite, and in this case, Ayya Sudhamma must go back home, but since time and space is only an illusion, she will will always be part of Santi in our heart. We are all Santi! Limitless blessings to all!

  3. Congratulation to Phalañānī Bhikkhuni !
    May the invisible Deity be with you.
    With Metta: Alexandar

  4. Dear Ayya Phalanyani,

    I am very happy to hear that you are going to provide long-term guidance at Santi and especially as the Abbott. The few days I associated you, I realised your guidance could be a great opportunity for Santi to continue as a Monastery. I appreciate your guidance in spiritual development and would like to offer my continued support for your great leadership.

    With mettha


  5. How very cool… I remember reading a blog by a nun called “the silly nun” in another country … then all of a certain the silly nun is the sensible nun…leader of santi monestry in Australia …excellent!

  6. A Bhikkuni Monastery great news… I am very thankful for Bhante Sujato and Ajahn Brahm for all their courage and conviction in making movements towards this.

  7. congratulations Ayya, I am sure you will do great things at Santi , and , for the community as well !!

  8. From spending a short time at Santi last weekend has really confirm my believe that Santi has slowly changes in an auspicious direction.

    Although I’m quite sad with Ayya Sudhamma departing shortly but I’m also rejoice with the new of Santi community will have Ayya Phalanyani as a permanent spiritual guidance. Ehem… can’t use term ‘permanent’ let say ‘long term’. ;)

  9. To Bhante Sujato, Ayya Phalanyani, and all at Santi. Firstly, I’m deeply Dharma-moved that Bh Sujato has decided to go “rhinoceros”; it takes great spiritual courage (vesarajja) and faith (saddha) in the Dharma itself not to have the comfort and security of an organized forest monastery. Yet I’m also sad to see such a rare, intuitive and compassionate teacher, leader and thinker to do so. Then again, this is the wonder (patihariya) of the Sangha, a Dharma-spirited Sangha, that is capable of helping itself. It is also with joy that I learn Santi is now a nunnery. Sadhu. Bh Sujato has also always been an inspiring support for my Sutta translation work, and I continue to hold him with metta and gratitude. My best wishes to all at Santi.

  10. May Ayya Pahalanyani get all the support towards perfection in:

    moral conduct
    (like not giving special treatment to rich people/donors) and

    upholding the Patimokkha
    (one of which includes not accepting money and travelling).

    In case, may she bravely risk her new job (getting involved with worldly mangement) to protect her main job, her only job (Nibbana by practicing Vipassana).

  11. Congratulations dear sister in the Sangha! Great News for the Sasana and Bhikkhuni Sangha in particular!! All the succes whished! Budusaranai!!

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