Last week Ayya Tathaaloka Mahatheri, who is also known affectionately as Ayya T, visited us here at Santi. Ayya T is on her way to NZ to work on the Bhikkhuni Vibanga project – which is translating the explanations and back stories of the Bhikkhuni rules from Pali into English with assistance from Ayya Adhimutta [now calling herself Ayya Adhimutti]. While she was with us at Santi we were happy to hear a wonderful Dhamma talk from her on the Saturday night on the topic of Samma Vayama – right effort, and Samma Sankappo – right intention. On the Monday she followed up with a 3 hour sutta class on the Magga Vibbanga sutta SN 45.8 Analysis of he path. It was a wonderful opportunity to learn from this very senior Bhikkhuni as well as being able to spend time together with all the other Bhikkhunis who were visiting us at the time.