The vassa retreat period for monastics (from the full moon of July till the full moon of October), has been established since the time of the Buddha. It was the rainy season (monsoon season) in India, and the Buddha recommended that the sangha reside in one place for those three months rather than travel about too much. Back then, the potential for the monks and nuns to damage crops when wandering in this season was one main reason for this stipulation – as was the potential to get very wet, I imagine!
In many Buddhist monasteries this period is traditionally set aside for the monastics to be in extended retreat, as often the rest of the year can be quite busy with running the monastery, managing projects, traveling and teaching, and meeting with people. (In many parts of the Northern hemisphere however, since this time of year is their summer period, monastics will often take the winter period to retreat instead, when activities naturally quieten down in their environment).
At Santi, this time of year is the cold winter season, and as nature settles into hibernation mode, it is the perfect time for us to focus more inwardly, stilling the mind and developing meditation in quiet reflection. In 2021, the vassa starts on the 25th July and finishes on the 21st October.
After the vassa retreat, we plan to have a Kathina celebration day at Santi. We’ve decided on Sunday 7th November for that, (please get in touch if you would like to support in some way). We hope that both the covid situation and weather conditions allow for it to unfold as planned… However, we have to stay alert in these times and adapt as needed, so we’ll keep the community posted here regarding any changing circumstances, particularly if we need to postpone or cancel plans at the last minute. Please stay tuned!
With all blessings of the Triple Gem to each and every one of you!