As we seem to be approaching a time soon when physical distancing measures will begin to lift, and we’ll see our lives gradually return to a more ‘normal’ pace, it’s worth making the most of the time we have left in whatever kind of relative ‘isolation’ you may find yourself in.
For those of us interested in the Dhamma and spiritual practice, we may have actually enjoyed the opportunity to be more home-bound and to do less in general, as it makes more time for quiet reflection and meditative practices. Certainly, the coronavirus tumult itself has been a cause for serious contemplation of the truths of anicca, impermanence, and the deva-duttas (heavenly messengers, of aging, illness, and death). It might also have been a time to recollect and consider what is most important to us in this life we find ourselves in…
Here on the Santi website you’ll find some new resources to help focus your mind on the Dhamma and contemplative themes. We’ve recently added to Audio 2020 a number of readings from Ajahn Chah’s Dhamma talks. Venerable Jayasara has lovingly recorded these in a contemplative mode for meditative listening. You’ll find more recorded teachings from the Masters on the Audio 2019 page too, as well as various Dhamma talks and guided meditations given at Santi. If you use the Google chrome browser it also gives you the option to download the audio files to your device for later listening without an internet connection.
May these offerings serve your development of peace, wisdom, well-being and happiness.
May all beings find the path to release from samsara.