Community size:
3 monastics, 2 lay people.
Items Needed
- Cheese (e.g. Tasty)
- Soya Milk
- Eggs
- Thick elastic (20mm) eg.
Please do not offer plastic bottled water
Online delivery:
If you wish to order an online delivery, please arrange delivery between 8am–2pm, otherwise our gate may be closed.
Please let us know if you have ordered an item for delivery.
Remote dāna:
Meals can be ordered from Bundanoon Chinese Restaurant. Please call them the day before to make your order and ask them to deliver before 10.30am.
Other Items appreciated:
If wishing to offer / send a gift card:
- Bunnings: gift card link
Or to donate, please click here: DONATE
With much gratitude … Sadhu Anumodana! … Rejoicing in your generosity.
Daily running costs
Sponsoring the cost of a utility bill – gas or electricity – is also most helpful… If you would like to do so, you can email us at to enquire further, or donate directly into the General Acc. (follow ‘DONATE’ link below) and reference it “Utilities”. Thank you.
Any contribution towards the daily running costs of the monastery helps to keep Santi going on a very practical level and is always much appreciated. To donate, please click here: DONATE
Santi and the environment
As a forest monastery bordering Morton National Park we strive to minimize our impact on our environment. We support Bundanoon in its “bottled water – free” town campaign – so please do not offer plastic bottled water to the monastery. We have filtered water for drinking here. We encourage minimal plastic use and waste, (although with the covid situation we realise it is often best practice to use disposables for a short time), and we try to recycle as much as possible.
At Santi we have an environmentally friendly grey water system, which cannot handle harsh chemical detergents, so please try to offer only ‘grey water safe’ dishwashing liquids and laundry detergents (preferably liquid), as powder doesn’t go well in our machines. Please do not offer bleach based products.
Thank you kindly. We appreciate your support in our efforts to keep a green monastery, an eco-friendly environment, and our waste systems healthy.
The Spirit of Dana
Please note that in order to keep alive the spirit of reliance on alms food, we rarely use any of the money donated to the monastery on food, unless necessary, or if money is specifically donated for this purpose.
“Acts of generosity lead to joy.
Joy leads to peace,
Peace leads to insight,
Insight leads to Liberation.”
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!