Bhikkhuni Upasampada Confirmed and Completed by Ajahn Brahm and the Bhikkhu Sangha
The three Bhikkhunis who had been “Ordained on One Side” by the Bhikkhuni Sangha earlier this month, presented themselves to the Bhikkhu Sangha headed by Ajahn Brahmavamso at Bodhinyana Monastery on Sunday 18th of September for confirmation and completion of the ordination process. Ayya Vajira, Ayya Dhammavati and Ayya Santacari received ordination from the Bhikkhu Read the full article…
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Bhikkhunīs gathered together last Sunday, 4th September 2016 to enact the first Bhikkhunī Upasampada Higher Ordination in NSW For this very special day, seven Theravadā Bhikkhunīs gathered together to enact this “Sangha Kamma” or community action. Senior Theravada Bhikkhunī Viditadhamma [Ven Lieu Phap] from Vietnam graced us with her grounded presence and kindly undertook the role of Preceptor or Read the full article…
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Invitation to the first Bhikkhuni Ordination (Upasampada) at Santi Forest Monastery on Sunday, 4th September 2016 at 2:00 pm We are happy to announce the first Higher Ordination for Novice-Nuns (Samaneris) at Santi – fully supported by our Spiritual Director Ven. Ajahn Brahmavamso. Weather permitting, the ceremony will take place inside our Big Cave, alternatively Read the full article…
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