Upcoming Events

Entry to the rains retreats - Sunday the 30th of June

Two upcoming day retreats!

Before the Santi community takes a break for the annual Rains Retreat period we are hold two more day retreats. These retreats have been hugely successful, with each filling up very quickly. If you wish to join, book in early!

25 June – Living in the present retreat day

Let go what has gone before
Let go that which comes after
Let go thy hold on the middle as well

Join the Santi community for a day of exploring the beauty of the present moment. There will be guided meditation, dhamma talks, bush walks and a shared meal.

Are you ready to die? Day Retreat July 16th

What happens when we die? How do we prepare for death?
Discussions on rebirth and a meaningful way to live life.
You are invited to join us for a quiet day of meditation in the tranquil surrounds of Santi Forest Monastery.
Dhamma Reflection by Ayya Karunika
Vesak Dhamma Reflection by Ayya Karunika


Vesak Day Celebrations a success

Despite some very cold weather, and nearly 100mm of rain over the weekend of our Vesak, we had a wonderful and warm-hearted event. Our dedicated volunteers braved extreme cold and wet to erect marquees so that everyone was able to celebrate.

On the day we had 5 bhikkhunis and 1 samaneri, including senior nuns BonHyon Sunim and Ayyā Nirodhā. Ayyā Karuṇikā gave an inspiring Dhamma talk that warmed the hearts of those who attended. We had many stallholders who helped to add to the celebratory atmosphere. There was the offering of 4 requisites, which was the theme for the celebration, in our new Buddha Pavilion. We finished off the day with a lively parade to the Big Cave led by our new drumming friends, where we chanted blessing celebrate the auspicious day and a spectacular offering of lights.

Sādhu, anumodāna to all who helped make the day a success.

Santi Vesak 2023

Other news and activities

The Santi community has been very busy throughout the month of May with many activities, both at Santi and outside the monastery. We have also had visits from several monastics, including Bhante Araññavihara who led a week-long private retreat for the Santi Community and guests.

We've continued with our highly successful Day Retreats, hosting a retreat with the Sydney Old Nalandians (pictured below) and our own 'Recollections of the Buddha' Day Retreat. These programs included Dhamma talks, guided meditations, opportunities for Q&A, bushwalks, and a delicious shared lunch.

We also hosted approximately 30 Sri Lankan retirees from Canberra, who took a day trip to visit Santi, share a meal, made offerings and listen to Dhamma. They asked lots of great questions and a discussion on living and dying well was received receptively by Buddhist and non-Buddhist attendees alike.

A group of Indian Buddhist Families who have started their spiritual journey with the guidance provided by Dr. Ambedkar also did a retreat at Santi on Saturday the 27th of May. The main focus was on how to live a meaningful life and how to find a balance between stresses of the day to day life and time to practice the spiritual path.

We were also delighted to be invited along to the Southern Highlands Insight Meditation Group, to share some guided meditation and discuss the progressive training which leads to Jhāna practice (picture below).

Reunited with our monastic friends from Perth
Along with Saṇgha from around Australia, the Santi nuns attend the Australian Sangha Association AGM, conference and Vesak Celebrations, held at Venerable Thich Quan Ba's Temple in Canberra. The highlight of the two day conference was the multi-tradition alms-round through Civic Centre. For many monastics of other traditions, this was their first experience of alms round. It was a joyous occasion.
Ayyā Nirodhā and Venerable Pasannā attended Vesak with Bhante Sujato in Sydney. The group were treated to a rare and impromptu dhamma talk from Ayyā Nirodha, while Bhante Sujāto was giving a teaching on the uncertainties of life! Later, Bhante Sujato offered a reflection on the marvellous qualities of the Buddha. Thank you to Bhante Sujāto, Deepikā and Rādha for inviting us.
The day after Vesak Celebrations with Bhante Sujāto, Ayyā Nirodhā travelled to Austria to visit her family. Her initial plan was to then return to Thailand for the Vassa, however circumstances changed and she has now returned to settle down at Santi.

Volunteers at work

Volunteers continue to support us with various work throughout the year and we are so very grateful to all our supporters.

Become a volunteer at Santi by providing your details below.

Support the Growth of Santi Nuns Community

Make a Direct Deposit

ANZ Bank
Account Name:
Santi Forest Monastery Inc.
BSB: 012-547
Account Number: 3488-68601

Make Online Donation

By giving, one becomes dear,
one follows the duty of the good;
the good self-controlled monks
always resort to one.

They teach one the Dhamma
that dispels all suffering,
having understood which
the taintless one here attains nibbāna.
(AN 5.35)

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