Vesak at Santi 30 April 2023

This Vesak, take the rare opportunity to offer the four requisites to a community of fully ordained nuns.

Join us on parade to the big cave culminating in the offering of lights, a special blessing ceremony and a Dhamma talk.

As renunciants, monastics depend entirely on the generosity of the lay community for their most basic needs – alms bowl, robes, alms food, dwelling, and medicines. This is your chance to make merit by making these offerings to the nuns’ community at Santi.

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Event: Metta Centre Family Wellbeing Retreat

In collaboration with Metta Centre, Santi Forest Monastery will be hosting a one day retreat for parents and their children to attend for a day of family healing and wellbeing. This is a very special program. The retreat will involve activities to bring the family together, practice of deep listening, creating bridges of understanding between parents and children, meditation, bushwalking, and private interviews with a facilitator.

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